Heather Edwards Children's Books

Heather Edwards
Children's Author,
and Radio Presenter
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Bio about Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards was born in England. She worked first as an Architectural Draughtswoman, going on to study Education, Painting/Pottery and English Literature at Madeley, Keele University. She has been a Primary School teacher for 38 years coordinating Maths, ICT, Design and Technology, SENCO and designing educational web pages.
She holds Distinction Awards in Drama and has a City and Guilds in Television and Media. Heather has gained awards in several national media competitions, including an animation competition for Aarman Studios. Over the years she has done illustrative work, and had a paper sculpture on, "Pebble Mill At One," BBC.
Heather has been a radio broadcaster for 30 years, and made interactive learning materials for The National Extension College- Numbers For Life.( Beacon Award- recording voice links for CDs) She has also been involved with Espresso and Channel 4, making web based learning materials, "How to produce radio with children."
She went on to gain a Merit Diploma in, “Illustrating Children’s Books," at LondonArt College, she also studied, "Writing for Children," at The Writers Bureau.